

Our values, governance structures and ethical leadership guide our actions in the context of our natural environment and the country’s socio-economic realities. We accept our responsibility to manage and mitigate the potential negative impacts of our business activities. At the same time, we believe the value created by our activities enables us to support growth and development in the societies in which we operate.

Environmental and related risks, particularly for climate change and water scarcity, are identified, assessed and managed in our risk management process and enterprise risk management (ERM) policy. Operational and corporate risk registers are reviewed and updated at quarterly risk workshops while material environmental matters and risks are consolidated at Assmang level.

Environmental indicators – five-year snapshot

Indicators Unit F2021 F2020 F2019 F2018 F2017
Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions * tCO2(e) 596 477 571 670 624 030 587 032 608 040
Total water withdrawn * million m3 12.6 12.2 11.9 10.2 9.8
Energy use
- Electricity MWh 805 557 767 952 825 906 829 371 875 415
- Diesel 000 litres 59 267 57 155 61 118 59 163 49 837

* Includes rainfall and runoff water harvested, surface water withdrawn from rivers, municipal water and groundwater.

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